Petaluma Nit Flix began after a mom battled head lice on her own children.
When Shawn discovered lice on her children she tried every known remedy, including over-the-counter products, cetaphil and tea tree oil, but nothing completely eliminated the problem. Many tears and missed days from work later, she called a lice removal service to help her. Soon after, she was finally able to declare her family lice-free!
After sharing her story with other local parents and learning that many families have gone through the same struggle, she decided that the Sonoma Valley had a real need for a professional lice removal service.
Shawn knew she couldn’t start an effective, professional lice removal business without proper training, so she traveled to train with the best. She learned everything there was to know about head lice removal, and became certified in the most effective, manual method available.
Petaluma Nit Flix is dedicated to helping you eliminate your lice problem and is always available to answer your questions and offer hands-on assurance. We understand your frustration because we’ve been there too!
Why is Petaluma Nit Flix the best choice? Because we truly care about each and every one of our clients. We take great pride in our customer service, our treatment is fast, safe, and best of all, guaranteed. We’re ready to help you win your battle against head lice.
Call us today, and let us help you put an end to your battle with lice, guaranteed!